Floral Bouquet
Browse through a selection of our Florists pre-designed bouquets and within each bouquet you can choose the size/number of stems by changing the bouquet size from Classic, Deluxe, Luxury, Opulent or Decadent - all bouquets can be made to suit any budget from £35 - £75
if you would wish our Florist to create a bouquet based upon your colours request or wish to give them free reign then choose Florists Choice and add any comments in the Card Message at Checkout
Deliveries of our flowers will be completed by Royal Mail, Woodys Express Parcels or ourselves between 9am and 6pm depending on where you stay.
Deliveries out of town will be charged at £7 and will be delivered by Woodys Express Parcels or Royal Mail.
Local hand deliveries are free of charge and are delivered from 3pm, but you choose to upgrade your local Stornoway delivery between 10am and 1pm, you can for an additional £5